Emma Stone – Poor Things – 7

Emma Stone - Poor Things - 7 Emma Stone is seated on a sofa, talking to a guy, and wearing a flimsy robe with her...

Milla Jovovich – Chaplin

Milla Jovovich wearing a nightie that slips off her shoulder to reveal a nipple as she sits on a bed. She then drops the nightie off completely to expose her butt from behind.

Nicole Kidman Sex – Hemingway & Gellhorn

Nicole Kidman Sex - Hemingway & Gellhorn

Jessica Biel – The Rules of Attraction

Jessica Biel dancing in a hallway while wearing a sexy bra and a pair of short boxers as she drinks from a bottle of liquor. In the second scene, Jessica Biel wearing pink panties and a lingerie top...

Angelina Jolie – Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – The Cradle Of...

Angelina Jolie - Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle Of Life

Taraji P. Henson – Baby Boy

Taraji P. Henson of Empire and Hustle & Flow fame seen having hard sex with a guy – riding him and doing it from behind, all while nude.

Jessica Chastain – The Zookeeper’s Wife

Jessica Chastain lying in bed with a guy, on her side at first and then rolling onto her back and flashing her left breast before she pulls a sheet up. She then turns and sits up, showing her bare back while...